#4 Python Data Types: Dictionaries | Dictionary In Python | Dictionary CRUD | Comprehension |
By Jaydeep Karale on youtube.com
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#python #datatypes #dictionaries #dictionary #pythontutorial #DICTIONARIES ARE UNORDERED AND STORE DATA IN KEY VALUE PAIRS #CREATION | CREATE PYTHON DICTIONARY --using the dict() or simply {} #READ ---items() keys() values() can be used along with for loop to iterate over dicts ---individual elements can be accessed by using dict_name["key"]. keyname IN dict_name #UPDATE ---dict_name['key'] = newvalue #DELETE ---del and clear are used to delete element or dictionary entirely but clear will keep the reference ---dict_name.pop('key') will delete the key and return the data which was deleted ---del dict_name['key'] will delete data and not return anything ---dict_name.popitem() will remove last inserted element and hence allowing dictionary to be used as STACKS VIDEO ON HASH VALUE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrAcI4-kzss 00:00 Intro 01:00 CREATING DICTIONARY 02:00 Accessing a dictionary element items() keys() values() 03:22 Iterating over dictionary 07:23 Updating dictionary 09:25 Deleting from dictionary 12:35 Pop() and Popitem() 14:50 len() in and not in methods KeyError 16:00 Converting List To Dictionary and viceversa 19:09 Dictionary comprehension 21:55 End
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